A true gem of the Upper West Side: the Theodore Roosevelt Park Reopened to the Public

For while, I’ve been hearing about Theodore Roosevelt Park, which has recently reopened to the public, and today I decided to go and see for myself if it’s worth visiting. 

First of all, yes. If you don’t live very far away or are tired of going to Central Park, Theodore Roosevelt Park is a great spot to hang out at. It is located right next to the Natural History Museum and is open to everyone. 

Even though the park is very small, a lot of people go there: dog walkers, moms and dads with their kids, elderly people who sit in the shade reading a book, and school kids. Nevertheless, the place never gets too loud. It’s like a small oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle. 

The park has a great little dogs playground, and that is why all the dog walkers are there. What’s good is that most of the benches are a little away from the dog park, so if you are looking for a peaceful and quiet time, or you have a baby that’s trying to sleep, you don’t have to worry about the noise. 


Theodore Roosevelt Park is very green. There is a lot of grass, trees, and flowers, and the air is amazingly fresh and slightly sweet. You also can hear a lot of birds singing. 

Overall, the park feels like a little heavenly corner in a big city. Very quiet and small with only sounds of nature around, it helps you relax after a stressful week. It is perfect for reading, walking, or just sitting under the sun and listening to the sounds of nature. 

It is probably not worth it if you live very far away though. But if you live in the area or have just finished your tour of the Natural History Museum and are looking for a place to sit and relax your legs, this is definitely a good place to visit. There are also a bunch of food kiosks around, so you can grab something and enjoy it in the park. 

Article and photos by Mary Zakharova


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