Annual Tulip Display in Manhattan

In between the brownstones in Manhattan, there is a little garden, hidden from the crowd. The garden is filled with tulips of all breeds and colors, and walking through it makes you feel like you are walking through the tulip fields of the Netherlands. 

The garden is perfect for a stroll with your friends and loved ones. The birds singing and the fresh scent of blooming flowers bring a unique calm, and even slightly romantic atmosphere. You can walk through narrow paths or sit on a bench among the flowers and enjoy the nice weather. 

Even though small, the tulip garden is not packed: parents coming there on an afternoon walk with their newborns and few school kids snacking on the benches after their classes are the only visitors in the early afternoon hours. If you are looking for a quiet place, this is the one! You can be sure you will have a chance to relax, read a book and enjoy the flowers. 

The beautiful flutes of the tulips are fascinating! Colors range from white to dark purple, close to black. You almost certainly haven’t seen such a wide variety before! Behind the main part of the garden, there is a closed section with various plants, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. If you ever thought about gardening, it’s a great way to start the journey and see how the process works and what might be needed for it. It is also something great to show kids and teach them about nature. 

Because this year the weather got warm pretty early, tulips bloomed earlier than usual, so don’t miss your chance and visit the garden by the beginning of May. West Side Community Garden is located at 123 W 89th St and is open daily until 7 pm. 

Article and photos by Mary Zakharova


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