ARTECHOUSE is now presenting TRUST, an immersive exhibition that explores the concept of trust

The audiovisual exhibit explains the idea of trust, and its’  changes throughout the years. The audience has a chance to look at the development of trust through historical events. What’s more, viewers can see the different predictions of the future: the one with trust, and the one without, and see how their lives would look like in both cases.  

The information about the past comes from the major historical events that shifted the understanding of the concept. Present comes from the recent events that are being recorded and processed to create the art that’s constantly changing. Finally, the future consists of the predictions that are made according to the world’s history. 

ARTECHOUSE that hosts the exhibition is an innovative art organization that creates exhibitions that combine art, science, and technology. With its multiple projectors and sound technology, viewers can dive into the exhibition and be not just an observer, but a part of it. 

The exhibition opened on January 31 and will last till May 30. This is a must-go for those who want to experience the past, present, and future in one day. TRUST is a great opportunity to get lost in the beautiful installation and change your perception of art. 

ARTECHOUSE is located at 439 W 15th street inside the Chelsea Market. 

Article by Joseph R. Fraia


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