Best Indoor Activities In NYC

It’s almost December, and the weather is getting colder and colder each day. With that, staying outside becomes a little less enjoyable. But there are ways to have fun even in the coldest weather! Here are some great indoor activities you will definitely enjoy!

See an exhibition

Museums always have exhibitions you can visit. And in New York City, you have a chance to choose any exhibition you’d like: art, fashion, sculpture - you name it. So make sure to visit an exhibition on one of these cold days, and finish your trip with a nice cup of coffee in a warm coffee shop.

Shop at Chelsea Market

Chelsea Market is probably one of the most famous spots for food lovers in NYC. Dozens of vendors will offer you the best of their foods. Pick a day and spend it at Chelsea Market, trying all the foods you can find. You can even have a contest and elect the best one out there!

Explore the New York Public Library

If you haven’t been to the New York Public Library recently, take a trip there! Find a book you are particularly excited about and read a couple of pages. And don’t forget to just walk around the rooms to see the beauty of a century-old building.

Plan a SPA day

What can be better than a hot sauna on a cold day? Take a day-long spa trip and experience all the pleasures of it! Go to a sauna or a steam room, jump into a pool, and get a nice relaxing massage afterward. You will definitely feel more relaxed and ready for new achievements!

Go to a Broadway Show

If you are trying to make plans for a cold, rainy weekend, consider going to a Broadway show. There are so many options for everyone! You can always buy tickets to classics like The Lion King or check out newer shows. Choose the mood you are going for, and there will definitely be a Broadway Show for it!

Article by Mary Zakharova


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