New York, fashion style stories


New York City, the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps, New York, is the perfect representation of a mix and match of cultures and styles. It’s eclectic, curious, and open to the novelty, but it doesn’t forget its past and origins. Close your eyes, reopen them one at the time, slowly and let this unique and unpredictable world seduce you. Your adventure will start with a first step, then another one and you will find yourself walking in the streets of the most famous city in the world, breathing new freedom. You will experience a feeling never tried before. Maybe you will smile. New York is starting to be part of you, and your part of this world, of this universe. 

The city seduces, the people walking next to you will inspire you, in their bizarre outfits, with the colors, there are no labels, no hours, and there is no why/reason. Freedom is the keyword. New York itself creates fashion in New York. Its energy, its frenzy, that desire to be different, to show off, to be noticed but at the same time to hide. 

The American metropolis stays in the first row for the trends coming from the street style: people show in the street a combination of clothes and accessories always very interesting.

Many are the eccentric and bizarre outfits, but what is more ‘in’ in the Big Apple is the easy casual style, a mix of sports clothes, jeans, and sneakers. The colors are odd, but there is also a lot of total blacks.

The people, every single person is a world to discover with his own style, charm, and story.

You are curious and would like to listen to all the people that you see and ask:” Why do you live in New York? Where are you from? Who are you?.” What is hidden behind the clothes that people who live here wear? 

The way someone dress reflects the way this person is, lives, and dreams.

To quote Coco Chanel's words, “fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the streets, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening”.

All this charm this magic makes New York one of the most influential fashion capitals in the world. Welcome. 

Article by Pamela Quinzi

PH Annalisa Mazzoli

PH Joseph Ralph Fraia


Coe Hall - The Planting Fields


New York City - Past Is Present