Halloween Parade In The Village

Every year on October 31st the whole city of New York gets together to take part in the Halloween Parade that takes off from Greenwich Village. This is one of the most important and exciting events during the spooky season.

More than fifty thousand people participate in the parade annually. Everybody is allowed to walk, as long as they have a costume. In case you don’t want to walk the parade, or just didn’t have a chance to find a costume, but still want to be a part of the event, you can come to watch, and stand along the parade’s route.

The Halloween Parade is a great event to visit with both your friends and family, especially if you haven’t made any plans for the holiday yet. And watching the parade is as fun as walking it! Thousands of people laugh, sing, and show their costumes. And this year might turn out to be even better than any of the previous ones! The event celebrates its 50th anniversary, so we can probably expect a lot of fun surprises!

If you are planning to watch the parade rather than walking in it, you might want to come a little bit in advance. The sides of the streets get crowded pretty quickly, and if you come late, you might not be able to get a front row spot.

Each year, there is a specific theme for the parade, and in 2023 it is Upside Down Inside Out. The theme was inspired by the previous couple of years when Covid changed the lives of so many and turned them inside out. The good thing is that you can interpret the theme any way you want, and your costume can be absolutely anything!

The parade starts at 7 pm and lasts until 11 pm. It will run from Sixth Ave, King St to 15th St in Manhattan.

Article by Mary Zakharova


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